El Departamento de Administración de la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile, tienen el agrado de invitarle al Seminario Académico: The role of secondary stakeholders in developing upstream sustainability in global supply networks.
Expone: Esteban Koberg.
Secondary stakeholders such as NGOs and certifiers play an increasingly relevant role in the governance of global supply networks for developing sustainability in upstream suppliers. Previous research on sustainability in global supply chains that takes the perspective of the buyer firms defines this as indirect governance. In this exploratory study we focus on indirect governance exerted by secondary stakeholders and draw from social network theory to explore the interactions among secondary stakeholders, buyers and suppliers in a global supply network. We conducted inductive research on four secondary stakeholders in the global banana supply network to explore the development of sustainability in upstream suppliers in Costa Rica. We collected data through interviews with representatives of the secondary stakeholders and four banana suppliers and complemented that information with secondary data. The findings show the differences in the secondary stakeholder’s position in the supply network to exchange sustainability-related information, and governance mechanisms adopted to influence sustainability development. Based on this evidence, three secondary stakeholder roles are identified: gatekeeper, liaison, and coordinator. We contribute to the literature by showing the nuanced contributions of secondary stakeholders in the development of sustainability in the upstream portion of global supply networks.