Autor: Profesor Héctor Madrid, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Affective presence is the tendency of an individual to make others feel positive or negative during social interaction, which, in the organizational domain, has been informative about the influences of leaders in the context of teamwork. We extend this stream of research by drawing on the group affect literature to differentiate two key aspects of affective presence: its intensity (mean-level of feelings elicited in others) and diversity (dispersion of feelings elicited in others). We form a theoretical model explaining the influence of both aspects of leaders’ affective presence, via team affective tone, on the team speaking out ideas for changes and improvements. Analysis of data from a multi-source survey study of 1047 employees distributed across 165 teams was largely supportive of our hypotheses with some interesting exceptions involving negative affect. The research contributes to understanding teamwork by showing a new affective-related pathway through which leaders’ influence team member promotive voice behavior.
- Presencial: Sala P301, Facultad de Economía y Negocios U. de Chile.
- Online: en vivo a distancia a través de plataforma.*
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