A literary Avenue to the Organization in the mind of Chilean workers
2008. Journal of Socio A June. Vol. 10, 2008 ISSN: 1442-4444
Eduardo Acuña A
This paper reports the use of stories, written by workers, in order to gain insight into work life experiences in Chilean post industrial organizations. The psychoanalytical concept of organization-in-the-mind is used (Armstrong, 2005) to consider the ideas, images and fantasies that people forge in their minds regarding organizations, shaped by their role taking, and their relationships with individuals, groups, and the system as a whole. The study of organization-in-the-mind has proved to be a valuable tool in organizational role consultancy, because it sheds light on the influences that conscious and unconscious factors have over individuals' role behavior and how from that understanding they may create new ways to perform tasks.
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