Brand personality of political parties in Chile: A view from the youngest citizens
2017. Cuadernos.Info. Volumen 41. Pp 89 - 104
Javiera Reyes, Cristian Buzeta R, Rodrigo Uribe B
This study examines the adequacy of the notion of brand personality (Aaker, 1997) in the field of Chilean political parties, measuring their perception in a sample of university students. It is shown that this concept has an adequate validity of construct and reliability, observing a structure of five dimensions (honesty, capacity, up-to-date, energy and uniqueness) similar to that reported in previous studies (Smith, 2009). Additionally, an exploratory analysis of three political parties (left, center and right) is presented, finding deficient perceptions of these, with relevant differences according to the political selfpositioning and socioeconomic level of the interviewees.
Palabras claves: Political marketing, political communication, political parties, branding.
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