Developing Campaigns in the context of a Natural Disaster: Content of and reactions to advertising following the 2010 Earthquake in Chile.
2015. Disaster Prevention and Management. Vol. 24 Iss 1. Pp. 100 - 114
Carolina Martinez T, Pedro Hidalgo C, Rodrigo Uribe B
Disasters generate a high degree of public concern and attract the attention of large audiences because of their negative consequences for material resources and human lives (Adams, 1986; Quarantelli; 1989, Sood et al., 1987). In this regard, a study in the United States reports that 77.4% of people immediately use electronic media to search for information when they hear about a disaster (Van Belle, 2000). In the literature, the relationship between media and catastrophes has previously been studied from different, yet complementary perspectives. From a sociological viewpoint, it has been proposed that mass media enables common social experience in heterogeneous societies by making the same information available to all. In the current context in which the mass media constantly cover current issues in terms of crises and spectacle, natural and human-caused disasters have been transformed in a favorite content. Broadcasting corporations usually presents disasters as TV shows that mixes charity and spectacle (Baudrillard, 2000; Korstanje, 2011; Miles and Morse, 2007). From a journalistic standpoint, a group of studies has examined the news coverage of catastrophes. Examples include Schramm’s seminal article on the press coverage of the Kennedy assassination (Schramm, 1965) and several studies on the context and content of news coverage of different disasters around the world (Singer and Endreny, 1993; Pasquarè and Pozzetti, 2007; Quarantelli and Wegner, 1991; Quarantelli, 1996;) as well as other contemporary studies related to the quantity and characteristics of the post-Hurricane Katrina coverage (Sommers et al. 2006; Stock, 2007) or after the attack on the Twin Towers (Coleman and Wu, 2006; Bouvier, 2007; Mogensen et al., 2002).
Palabras claves: Disasters, Earthquake, Advertising, Content analysis, Credibility, Attitudes
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