Editorial, Vol. 16 N?1 Journal of Modelling in Management
2021. Journal of Modelling in Management. Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 2-6.
Federico Barnabe , Juan Pablo Torres C, Martin Kunc
Editorial for special issue “system dynamics contributions to modelling in management” The call for papers for a special issue aimed to present contributions of system dynamics (SD) Modelling to the broad area of management. SD (Forrester, 1961; Forrester, 1968; Sterman, 2000) has been available for 60 years, and it has become more prominent in modelling issues related with management in the last 20 years. SD research occurs in multiple management fields such as supply chain management, strategic planning, project management, health-care planning and marketing (Kunc et al., 2018a; Kunc et al., 2018b; Torres, 2019). The guest editors of this issue welcomed papers from all management areas, especially managerial decision-making; marketing, performance management, operations and strategy. Another interesting aspect of SD is the possibility of creating qualitative (soft) or quantitative (hard) models (Kunc, 2017a; Kunc 2017b). Qualitative models are usually used to facilitate discussions with stakeholders and agree on the feedback loops to describe a dynamically complex system (Hwang and Kunc, 2015). Several SD scholars have also explored qualitative models through group model building in which a group of business practitioners is deeply involved in the process of model construction (Vennix, 1999). Group model building projects can support large client groups in business model formulation to conceptualise messy problems (Richardson and Andersen, 1995). For example, Giorgino et al. (2020) explore the role of qualitative SD to evaluate the information presented in corporate accounting reports. They construct a resource map, which is an integration between SD and the resource-based view, to visualise the key resources and their connections responsible for the performance of the organisation.
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