Mauricio Jara

Mauricio Jara Bertin

Director Departamento de Administración, FEN Uchile.

Profesor asociado

Doctor en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Valladolid, Valladolid, España.
+562 29783701


  • Doctor en Administración de Empresas, Universidad Valladolid, Valladolid, España.
  • Magíster en Administración de Empresa, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
  • Ingeniero Civil Industrial, Universidad de Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile.

Director y Profesor Asociado, Departamento de Administración, Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile. Sus áreas de Especilización son: Finanzas, Gobierno Corporativo, Finanzas Corporativas e Investigación Contable.

Adicionalmente, el profesor Jara realiza labores en:

  • Associate Editors - Finance, Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.

Publicaciones Destacadas

2022 - Leviathan as a Financial Godfather: debt Advantages of wholly State-Owned Enterprises.

Rodrigo Wagner B, Aldo Musacchio, Mauricio Jara B. Global Strategy Journal.

2021 - International diversification and performance in family firm: Exploring nonlinear relationships with the governance structure in an emerging economy.

Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad .Volume 50, Issue 4. Pp 441-468.

2021 - Firm Value and Pyramidal Structures: New Evidence for Family Firms.

Felix Lopez I, Juan Pablo Torres C, Mauricio Jara B. Journal of Business Research. - Volume 127, April 2021, Pages 399-412

2019 - Corporate governance of Latin American firms: Contestability to the control and firm value.

Paolo Saona H, Pablo San Martin M, Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. Business Research Quarterly.Volume 22, Issue 4, October–December 2019, Pages 257-274

2019 - Chilean Pension Fund Managers and corporate governance: the impact on corporate debt.

G. Tenderini R, Paolo Saona H, Pablo San Martin M, Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.Volume 48, April 2019, Pages 321-337


2023 - Teamwork competence and collaborative learning in entrepreneurship training
Concepción Yaniz-Álvarez-de-Eulate , Melany Hebles , Mauricio Jara B. European Journal of International Management.


2022 - Leviathan as a Financial Godfather: debt Advantages of wholly State-Owned Enterprises
Rodrigo Wagner B, Aldo Musacchio, Mauricio Jara B. Global Strategy Journal.


2021 - International diversification and performance in family firm: Exploring nonlinear relationships with the governance structure in an emerging economy
Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad .

2021 - Firm Value and Pyramidal Structures: New Evidence for Family Firms
Felix Lopez I, Juan Pablo Torres C, Mauricio Jara B. Journal of Business Research.


2019 - Challenges and trends in management for Ibero-America
Orlando Llanos-Contreras , M. Santos H, Mauricio Jara B. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.

2019 - The effect of intra‐group loans on the cash flow sensitivity of cash: Evidence from Chile
Carlos Pombo , Cristian Pinto G, Mauricio Jara B. International Review of Finance.

2019 - Impact of cooperative learning on teamwork competence
Concepción Yaniz-Álvarez-de-Eulate , Melany Hebles , Mauricio Jara B. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.

2019 - Corporate governance of Latin American firms: Contestability to the control and firm value
Paolo Saona H, Pablo San Martin M, Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. Business Research Quarterly.

2019 - Chilean Pension Fund Managers and corporate governance: the impact on corporate debt
G. Tenderini R, Paolo Saona H, Pablo San Martin M, Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.


2018 - Do institutional blockholders influence corporate investment? Evidence from emerging markets
Carlos Pombo , Roberto Alvarez, Mauricio Jara B. Journal of Corporate Finance.

2018 - Small consequences of a major agreement: the MILA case
Rodrigo Cardenas , Jaime Lavin , Nicolas Magner , Nicolas Hardy , Mauricio Jara B. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion.

2018 - Group Affiliation and Ownership Concentration as Determinants of Capital Structure Decisions: Contextualizing the Facts for an Emerging Economy
Paolo Saona H, Pablo San Martin M, Mauricio Jara B. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.

2018 - How Sensitive is Corporate Debt to Swings in Commodity Prices?
Rodrigo Wagner B, Pablo Donders, Mauricio Jara B. Journal of Financial Stability.

2018 - The influence of Family and Pyramidal Ownership on Corporate Diversification in Chile
Carlos Maquieira V, Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

2018 - The Effects of Ownership Structure and Intra-Group Loans on Leverage: Evidence from Family Firms in Chile
Paula Nuñez, Cristian Pinto G, Mauricio Jara B. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.

2018 - Does corporate diversification create value in emerging markets? New evidence from chile
Paulo Vieito , Carlos Maquieira V, Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.


2017 - Instrumentos derivados, concentración de propiedad y valor de la firma: Evidencia para Chile
Carlos Maquieira V, Pablo San Martin M, Carlos Cid A, Mauricio Jara B. Trimestre Económico.

2017 - Corporate Control and Firm Value: The Bright Side of Business Groups
Felix Lopez I, Juan Pablo Torres C, Mauricio Jara B. Journal of Family Business Strategy.


2016 - Banking Competition and Firm-Level Financial Constraints in Latin America
Roberto Álvarez E, Mauricio Jara B. Emerging Markets Review.

2016 - Earnings management and performance in family-controlled firms
Jean Sepulveda , Mauricio Jara B. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion.


2015 - Influencia de los inversionistas institucionales en las decisiones de estructura de capital de la empresa. Evidencia para un mercado emergente
Carlos Maquieira V, Pablo San Martin M, Mauricio Jara B, Felipe Araya S. Trimestre Economico.

2015 - Diversification and control in emerging markets: the case of Chilean Firms
Felix Lopez I, Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa / BRQ Business Research Quarterly.

2015 - Is there a corporate diversification discount or premium? Evidence from Chile
Felix Lopez I, Christian Espinoza M, Mauricio Jara B. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion.

2015 - Social responsability practices, corporate reputation and financial performance
Francisco Villegas P, Leslier Valenzuela F, Mauricio Jara B. RAE-Revista de Administracion de Empresas.


2014 - Earnings management and the contest to the control: An international analysis of family owned firms.
Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad.

2014 - Determinants of bank performance: evidence for Latin America
Arturo Rodriguez P, Mauricio Jara B, José Arias M. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.

2014 - Firm size as determinant of the nonlinear relationship between bank debt and growth opportunities: The case of Chilean public firms
Paolo Saona H, Marta Moreno W, Mauricio Jara B. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade.


2013 - The effect of mandatory IFRS adoption on accounting conservatism of reported earnings
Mauricio Jara B, José Arias M. Academia - Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.


2012 - Does the influence of institutional investors depend on the institutional framework? An international analysis
Óscar López-de-Foronda , Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. Applied Economics.

2012 - Factores Determinantes del Endeudamiento Bancario en la Empresa No Financiera Chilena
Sebastian Sanchez C, Mauricio Jara B. Trimestre Económico.

2012 - Non-Linear Relationship between growth opportunieties and bank debt: a panel data analysis of Chilean firms
Paolo Saona H, Marta Moreno W, Mauricio Jara B. Academia - Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.


2008 - The contest to the control in European family firms: How other shareholders affect firm value
Óscar López-de-Foronda , Felix Lopez I, Mauricio Jara B. Corporate Governance-An International Review.