Madeleine Bausch
Profesor asistente
Ph.D. in Intercultural Management, University of Passau, Passau, Germany
+562 297883707
- Ph.D. en Gestión Intercultural, Universidad de Passau, (Alemania).
- M.A. en Estudios Culturales y Empresariales Internacionales, Universidad de Passau (Alemania) ,Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brasil).
Madeleine Bausch es Profesora Asistente de Negocios Internacionales en la Facultad de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad de Chile. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Passau (Alemania) en Gestión Intercultural. Tiene un M.A. en Estudios Culturales y Empresariales Internacionales (International Cultural and Business Studie) por la Universidad de Passau y la Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brasil) y se especializó en lingüística románica y estudios empresariales durante su licenciatura en la Universidad de Mannheim (Alemania).
En investigación y docencia, se dedica a la gestión internacional y la gestión intercultural (constructiva). Proyectos de investigación actuales son la internacionalización de las plataformas digitales y la transferencia de prácticas organizativas (gestión de la calidad), particularmente entre empresas que operan en Alemania y América Latina. Además, su investigación se centra en metodologías cualitativa, con enfoque a estudios de casos contextualizados.
Madeleine es coautora del libro de texto Constructive Intercultural Management (2021) (con Christoph Barmeyer y Ulrike Mayrhofer), ha publicado en revistas internacionales como International Business Review y SAGE OPEN y es autora de varios capítulos de libros. Es profesora visitante en la Estonian Business School (Estonia) y tiene experiencia docente internacional en la Universidad Turco-Alemana (Turquía), la Aix-Marseille Université (Francia) y la Universidad de Jyväskylä (Finlandia).
Madeleine Bausch is Assistant Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Chile. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Passau (Germany) in Intercultural Management. She holds an M.A. in International Cultural and Business Studies (International Cultural and Business Studie) from the University of Passau and the
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil) and specialized in Romance linguistics and business studies during her B.A. studies at the University of Mannheim (Germany).
In research and teaching, she focuses on international management and (constructive) intercultural management. Current research projects concern the internationalization of digital platforms and the transfer of organizational practices (quality management), particularly between companies operating in Germany and Latin America. Furthermore, her research is based on qualitative
methodologies, with a focus on contextualized case studies.
Madeleine is co-author of the textbook Constructive Intercultural Management (2021) (with Christoph Barmeyer and Ulrike Mayrhofer), has published in international journals such as International Business Review and SAGE Open and is author of several book chapters. She is a visiting professor at the Estonian Business School (Estonia) and has international teaching experience at the Turkish-German University (Turkey), the Aix-Marseille Université (France) and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland).
Publicaciones Destacadas
2024 - Recontextualization.
Bausch, M.. In Mockaitis, A., and Butler, C. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management.(pp. 309–313). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
2024 - An outsider’s insights from the inside: implications of emic concepts on qualitative international management research.
Bausch, M., Barmeyer, C., & Guttormsen, D. S.. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, ahead-of-print. ISSN: 1746-5648
2024 - A phenomenon-based approach to handling multiple paradigms: Investigating power in international knowledge transfer through active categorization.
Bausch, M., & Mahadevan, J.. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, ahead-of-print.First published online October 2, 2024
2024 - Retail franchise ecosystem dynamics: Insights from countries of varied development levels.
Welsh, D. H. B., Lanchimba, C., & Bausch, M.. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.Volume 82, January 2025, 104096