Seminario Eduardo Acuña: “Political, Ethical and Historical dilemmas in bulding a group relations institution base on the Tavistock model”
El pasado miércoles 18 de Noviembre, en las dependencias del Departamento de Administración, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile, se llevó a cabo un workshop dirigido por Eduardo Acuña, quien es académico del Departamento de Administración, FEN UChile. A este seminario asistieron académicos del mismo departamento como otros académicos invitados, pertenecientes a otras universidades.
En este ocasión, el profesor Acuña presentó acerca de “Political, Ethical and Historical dilemmas in bulding a group relations institution base on the Tavistock model”, la cual trata sobre ” “The purpose of this paper is to describe the building up of an educational institution in Group Relations in Chile based on the Tavistock Model, whose embryonic beginnings date back 30 years, period during which the institution experienced incremental transformations that enabled maintaining its legitimacy until today. The paper’s objective also includes the study of political, historical, and ethical dilemmas that the promoters of these educational activities had to address to make them possible throughout the years. This presentation is an opportunity to amend the “short memory” underwent by Group Relations Conferences in Chile with regard to their history and to the peculiar conditions of their institutional shaping”.