Mapping leading universities in strategy research: Three decades of collaborative networks
2019. Cogent Business and Management. Volumen 6, Issue 1, 2019,
José Merigó L, Nelson Andrade-Valbuena, Leslier Valenzuela F, Carolina Nicolas A
This paper presents a longitudinal classification of the impact that universities have on strategy research from three decades of publications, between 1987 and 2016, by using bibliometric techniques and distance-based analysis of networks applied at the level of universities. Using the WoS database, this study proposes a general overview of three decades of strategic management research. Using these techniques we (i) categorize the last 30 years of academic production of research institutions in terms of strategy, evaluating their impact; (ii) analyze which universities are publishing the most in journals whose scope of publication covers strategic management; and (iii) map the network of collaboration structures among research organizations, determining its relationship and analyzing its evolution in those three decades. We found that the University of Pennsylvania was the most prominent institution throughout the years, showing the broadest network of citations according to our network analysis. There was also a remarkable presence of international universities from the UK, Canada, France and the Netherlands, however, the citation pattern among them is still low. We also observed evidence of inner knowledge flowing among different fields based on the deliberate multidisciplinary nature of research in strategy, as the strong coincidence with the ranking of the main journals in the marketing field when comparing the bibliometric studies of both fields. This analysis contributes to strategy research, first by delivering insights based on the impact of academic production and secondly through the evolution of collaborative network linkages in terms of strategy investigations undertaken to build collective knowledge.
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