Understanding corporate reputation through satisfaction in emerging markets
2017. Retailing and Marketing. Vol.5. Nº 2. Pp. 17-30
Enrique Marinao A, Leslier Valenzuela F, Carolina Nicolas A
The hypermarket industry presents a strong competition, the consumer satisfaction and corporate reputation are two of the most important topics in order to improve or maintain market share. The hypotheses proposed in our research model are tested on a sample of 964 hypermarket consumers in Chile and Mexico. We test the predictive path for corporate reputation, considering as an antecedent the consumer satisfaction and hedonic, symbolic and affective benefits. The partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was used to test the research model. In order to assess the moderating effects of cultural behavior between two emerging markets, Chile and Mexico, we adopt a multi-group approach. Our findings indicate that exists a cultural difference between Chilean and Mexican hypermarket consumers on the effect of hedonic benefit on satisfaction.
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