Pablo Farías

Pablo Farías Nazel

Profesor asociado

Doctor en Gestión y Administración de Empresas, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, España
+562 29781988


  • Doctor en Gestión y Administración de Empresas, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, España.
  • Magíster en Finanzas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  • Ingeniero Comercial, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Dr. Pablo Farías es Profesor Asociado en la Universidad de Chile, donde imparte clases de Introducción al marketing, investigación de mercados, gestión de marketing, métricas de marketing, métodos de pronóstico y modelado de ecuaciones estructurales. Posee una licenciatura en Administración de Empresas y un Magíster en Finanzas de la Universidad de Chile, además de un Doctorado en Administración de Empresas (cum laude) de la Universidad de Valladolid, España.

Sus intereses de investigación se centran en estrategias de precios bajos, herramientas de promoción y métricas de marketing. Ha publicado 71 trabajos, incluyendo 5 casos de enseñanza, 13 artículos en revistas empresariales, 2 capítulos de libros y 51 artículos en revistas académicas (43 en Web of Science, 46 en Scopus), destacándose en revistas de negocios y marketing como Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Services Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Management Decision y Business Research Quarterly.

Su investigación ha sido reconocida con 22 premios de instituciones como ACIEK, AEMARK, ASFAE/ENEFA, BALAS, CLADEA y Emerald Group Publishing. Además, ha recibido el respaldo de Conicyt Chile a través de la beca de investigación Fondecyt.

El trabajo del Dr. Farías ha sido destacado en periódicos y revistas empresariales en Chile y América Latina, como El Mercurio, La Tercera, Diario Financiero y América Economía. También ha sido mencionado por empresas y asociaciones gremiales como Entel y la Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes (ANDA). Ha participado como jurado en importantes premios de la industria del marketing en Chile, como el Salón de la Fama de Grandes Marcas, MKTG BEST y los Premios Effie.


Dr. Pablo Farías is an associate professor at University of Chile, where he teaches introduction to marketing, marketing research, marketing management, marketing metrics, forecasting methods, and structural equation modeling. He holds a BS in Business Administration and a MS in Finance from the University of Chile and a Doctorate in Business Administration (cum laude) from University of Valladolid, Spain.

His research interests are in low price strategies, promotion tools, and marketing metrics. He has 71 publications including 5 teaching cases, 13 business magazine articles, 2 book chapters, and 51 academic journal articles (43 WoS, 46 Scopus) that have appeared in leading business and marketing journals such as Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Services Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Management Decision, and Business Research Quarterly.

His research has won 22 awards granted by renowned institutions such as ACIEK, AEMARK, ASFAE/ENEFA, BALAS, CLADEA, and Emerald Group Publishing. His research has been supported by Conicyt Chile, through its Fondecyt research grant.

His work has appeared in leading business newspapers and magazines in Chile and Latin America such as El Mercurio, La Tercera, Diario Financiero, and América Economía. His work has also been mentioned by important firms and gremial associations such as Entel and the National Association of Advertisers (ANDA). He has served as a jury member for leading awards in the marketing industry in Chile such as Grandes Marcas Hall of Fame, MKTG BEST and Effie Awards.

Publicaciones Destacadas

2022 - Understanding online retail brand equity: a cross-cultural perspective.

Pablo Farías N. Journal of Services Marketing.

2021 - Identifying the factors that affect the knowledge of mortgage loans’ total cost.

Pablo Farías N. International Journal of Bank Marketing.DOI: 10.1108/IJBM-12-2019-0457 - Volumen: 39 Número: 1 Páginas: 69-84

2019 - Family firms identity communication and consumers’ product involvement impact on consumer response.

Pablo Farías N, Orlando Llanos-Contreras , Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos . Psychology & Marketing.Vol. 36. Pp 791 - 798

2017 - Identifying the factors that influence eWOM in SNSs: the case of Chile.

Pablo Farías N. International Journal of Advertising.Vol. 36, issue 6, PP. 852-869


2023 - Is this a family business? Effectiveness of implementing family businesses branding strategies on a radio platform
Pablo Farías N, Orlando Llanos-Contreras , Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos .


2021 - Can Post-Vaccine `Vaxication` Rejuvenate Global Tourism? Nexus between COVID-19 Branded Destination Safety, Travel Shaming, Incentives and the Rise of Vaxication Travel
Muddasar Ghani Khwaja, Jerome Agrusa, Mahwish Anjam, Pablo Farías N, Murat Aktan, Umer Zaman . Sustainability.

2021 - Sustainable or a Butterfly Effect in Global Tourism? Nexus of Pandemic Fatigue, COVID-19-Branded Destination Safety, Travel Stimulus Incentives, and Post-Pandemic Revenge Travel
Syed Hassan Raza, Saba Abbasi, Pablo Farías N, Murat Aktan, Umer Zaman . Sustainability.

2021 - Shadow of Your Former Self: Exploring Project Leaders? Post-Failure Behaviors (Resilience, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy) in High-Tech Startup Projects
Muddasar Ghani Khwaja, Saba Abbasi, Pablo Farías N, Laura Florez-Perez, Tri Indra Wijaksana, Umer Zaman . Sustainability.

2021 - An Experimental Evidence on Public Acceptance of Genetically Modified Food through Advertisement Framing on Health and Environmental Benefits, Objective Knowledge, and Risk Reduction.
Paulo Ferreira , Pablo Farías N, Syed Hassan R, Umer Zaman . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

2021 - The Local Aspect in the Successful Brands in Latin America: Empirical Evidence of Its Prevalence, the Role of Local and Global Companies, and Its Effect on Consumers
Pablo Farías N. Sustainability.

2021 - Identifying the factors that affect the knowledge of mortgage loans’ total cost
Pablo Farías N. International Journal of Bank Marketing.


2019 - Nutrition Labeling Schemes and the Time and Effort of Consumer Processing
Diego Vigueras Q, Alvaro Salgado Q, Pablo Farías N, Rene Quilodrin U, Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos . Sustainability.

2019 - Family firms identity communication and consumers’ product involvement impact on consumer response
Pablo Farías N, Orlando Llanos-Contreras , Manuel Alonso-Dos-Santos . Psychology & Marketing.

2019 - Determinants of the knowledge of the total cost of consumer loans
Pablo Farías N. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion.

2019 - Determinants of knowledge of personal loans’ total costs: How price consciousness, financial literacy, purchase recency and frequency work together
Pablo Farías N. Journal of Business Research.


2017 - Los determinantes del conocimiento del costo total de los avances en efectivo.
Pablo Farías N. Trimestre Económico.

2017 - Identifying the factors that influence eWOM in SNSs: the case of Chile
Pablo Farías N. International Journal of Advertising.

2017 - Determinants of perceived and actual knowledge of commission paid by contributors in the pension funds industry
Pablo Farías N. Business Research Quarterly.

2017 - A New Model for Measuring Salesperson Lifetime Value
Pablo Farías N, Eduardo Torres M, Roberto Mora C. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.


2016 - Measurement and graphic representation of cultural distances between Latin American countries
Pablo Farías N. Convergencia-Revista de Ciencias Sociales.

2016 - Las preferencias del consumidor usando el método de máximas diferencias
Pablo Farías N, Bruno Fistrovic. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas.


2015 - Determinantes del Éxito de las Marcas Globales y Locales en América Latina
Pablo Farías N. RAE-Revista de Administracao de Empresas.

2015 - Segment Disclosures under IFRS 8’s Management Approach: Has Segment Reporting Improved?
Pablo Farías N, Ricardo Rodríguez G. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting / Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad.


2014 - Business group characteristics and firm operating performance: Evidence from Chile
Pablo Farías N. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.

2014 - Salesperson CLV orientation’s effect on performance.
Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Eduardo Torres M, Leslier Valenzuela F. Journal Business Research.


2013 - Store Price Promotion Strategies: An Empirical Study from Chile
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Academia - Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.


2012 - Comparative advertising effectiveness in Latin America:Evidence from Chile
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Rodrigo Uribe B, Sergio Olavarrieta S. International Marketing Review.

2012 - Determinants of in-store price knowledge for packaged products: An empirical study in a Chilean hypermarket
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Journal of Business Research.


2011 - Store brand and national brand promotion attitudes antecedents
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Rodrigo Uribe B, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Journal of Business Research.


2008 - Un análisis a los atributos relevantes de los mercados de las pulgas para los compradores : Evidencia desde América Latina
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Cs. Económicas y Sociales, Universidad de Zulia.

2008 - Customer Retention and Price Matching: The AFP´s Case
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Journal of Business Research.


2007 - Determinantes de la Compra de Marcas Privadas
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.


2006 - Riesgo Percibido y La Actitud Hacia Las Marcas Privadas
Enrique Manzur M, Pablo Farías N, Pedro Hidalgo C, Sergio Olavarrieta S. Revista Latinoamericana de Administración.