Brand Familiarity in Latin America: A New Three-dimensional Conceptualization and Measure
2016. Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Enviroment. Pp 483-483.
Eduardo Torres M, Cristóbal Barra V, Sergio Olavarrieta S
Brand familiarity is a construct often used in marketing and consumer behavior for explaining buyer behavior and marketing effects. Advertising agencies and marketing managers use brand familiarity as a measure of marketing and advertising effectiveness. The literature suggests alternative definitions of familiarity focusing on recognition, brand knowledge and experience. In this paper we propose a three-dimensional conceptualization of brand familiarity including: recognition, general knowledge and closeness, which fully captures the concept domain. Through six empirical studies we develop and validate a new measure of brand familiarity, and we propose ways to use it for further theoretical development and managerial purposes.
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