Does destination brand experience help build trust? Disentangling the effects on trust and trustworthiness
2023. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
Eduardo Torres M, Cristóbal Barra V
Based on the concept that trust is formed in a process that necessarily involves trustworthiness, this article empirically examines on the one hand, whether this structure of trust formation can be tested in the context of tourist destinations and, on the other hand, the effect of the destination brand experience and its dimensions on this process. Based on a sample of 894 tourists who visited a destination and using SEM (based on covariance), a model tested the hypotheses that experience has a significant role in the formation of trust and that some of its dimensions play a different role in characterizing this effect. Specifically, the sensory, affective, and behavioral aspects of experience play a fundamental role in the formation of trust, showing an effect on trustworthiness. Intellectual experience showed no significant effects, and affective experience showed an additional direct effect on trust. Finally, to better understand the abovementioned effects, the influence of experience dimensions on the facets of trustworthiness was explored and detailed, establishing some relevant conclusions for researchers and managers.
Palabras claves: Destination brand experience, Trust formation, Trust, Trustworthiness, Sensory experience, Intellectual experience, Behavioral experience, Affective experience.
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©2023 Todos los derechos reservados Departamento de Administración Facultad de Economía y Negocios (FEN), Universidad de Chile