El Enfoque de Estrategia basado en los Recursos: Una Síntesis
1995. Revista Estudios de Administración. Vol. 2 , N 2, 17-51, 1995
Sergio Olavarrieta S
This article synthesizes the large literature regarding the Resource-Based approach to strategy (Wernerfelt 1984, Barney 1991), which suggests that firm success is related to the set of firm-specific resources rather than to industry attractiveness. After providing a brief history of the Strategic Management discipline, the phenomena of rents and superior returns persistence within an industry is discussed. Next, I examine the characteristics of the resource-based approach to strategy, which emerged aiming to explain firm diversity, and has become an alternative to Porter's model for strategy formulation. Finally, the implications and limitations of the resource-based approach to strategy are discussed.
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