2024. In Mockaitis, A., and Butler, C. (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Management. (pp. 309–313). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Bausch, M.
Recontextualisation describes the process by which organisational elements and practices are ascribed new meaning when transferred across cultural and linguistic contexts. Brannen (2004) coins the term in her study on the transfer of products, practices, and ideologies from Disneyland USA to Japan and France. Recontextualisation consists of three semiotic processes: (1) the attribution of meaning to firm assets and elements in a specific context, (2) a change of meaning when transferred to another context, and (3) the alteration of meanings in the original context through retransfer. Firm assets and organisational elements can undergo either positive or negative recontextualisation, leading to organisational learning and innovation, or challenging the successful transfer of firm assets. Highlighting the importance of culture and language in the cross-cultural transfer of organisational elements and practices, recontextualisation calls for a consideration of the “semantic fit” in addition to the “strategic fit” in international business and cross-cultural management.
Palabras claves: Cultural and linguistic contexts; Disneyland; semiotic processes; international business; cross-cultural management
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