The strong need for extended research and replications in Latin American and emerging markets
2021. Journal of Business Research. Volume 127, April 2021, Pages 384-388.
David Díaz S, Sergio Olavarrieta S
You send a paper to a Q1 WoS-indexed business journal, and a couple of days later, the associate editor sends you a polite desk rejection letter saying that: “…although we value your research, and the sound meth- odology, and the very relevant and strong sample, we do not see value in replication studies that do not include other variables or help the theory- building process. We wish you the best with the study and we invite you to have our journal in mind for your future research…”. Of course, you are disappointed. To your knowledge, the study has not been replicated in the US or overseas. But your 2000+-subjects study, drawn from several cities and towns in Brazil, retesting for the first time three hy- potheses in the original paper -run with 250+ college students in a US university town- was not enough to pass the editorial decision. After a couple of further attempts, you end up publishing the manuscript in a good but regional journal.
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