Consumer motivations to purchase from benefit corporations (B Corps)
2020. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management .
Constanza Bianchi, Valentina Reyes, Veronica Devenin
The objective of this study is to explore the motivational structures of consumers in the decision to purchase from Benefit Corporations (B Corps) by applying means-end chain (MEC) theory and using a soft-laddering technique. Data were collected from 20 Chilean consumers of B Corp products and services. Results revealed that the primary motivators for consuming from B Corps are (a) social/environmental responsibility, (b) self-satisfaction, and (c) health and quality of life. Findings suggest that consumers’ social and environmental values are the main motivators for purchasing from B Corps, and certification provides confidence in the effectiveness of the social or environmental contribution. Additionally, personal benefits for consumers are also relevant motivators, for instance being an agent of change and enjoying healthy and high-quality products that are accessible online. This research is helpful in designing marketing strategies for responsible firms and B Corps and for public policymakers.
Palabras claves: B Corps, Consumer motivation, Purchase Intention, Responsible consumption
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