Capítulo A Resource-Based Framework of the Innovation Strategy
1997. Developments in Marketing Science, Coral Gables .
Roberto Friedmann , Sergio Olavarrieta S
Following Pavitt (1991 ), Christensen (1995) and the large resource-based literature, we suggest that innovation and new product development are determined by the resources (assets and capabilities) that firms possess at a given point in time. We expand Christensen's work by complementing his taxonomy of innovative assets with marketing-related assets and capabilities. We also place particular emphasis on the market-based learning capability and absorptive capacity of the firm (Day 1994; Sinkula 1994; Cohen and Levinthal 1990). In doing so, our conceptual model of innovation strategy contributes to the innovation and marketing literature by: ( 1) integrating different theoretical approaches into a common framework (i.e., the resource-based theory of the firm, evolutionary approaches to economics and organizational theory, organizational learningtheory, and marketing strategy theory); (2) by providing a new view of the linkage between innovation and marketing, and (3) by suggesting recommendations for innovation strategy.
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