Corporate image measurement a further problem for the tangibilisation of Internet banking services
2004. International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 22, N° 5, Pp 366 - 384
Miguel Guinaliu B, Carlos Flavián , Eduardo Torres M
The study and measurement of image especially in the Internet banking field has become an important tool to help the management of the banks operating on the Internet to make decisions. Asthere are no previous scales in existence to enable the image of this type of bank to be measured, our paper is centered on developing and proposing a reliable and valid scale that enables us to measure the corporate image of a bank in the context of the Internet. The results obtained show that an Internet bank’s image is a multidimensional construct composed of its reputation and security as perceived by the consumer, as well as of the services offered and access to them. These results provide a management tool to measure the Internet bank’s image. Similarly, thenew scale shows in detail which aspects need to be acted on in order to improve the bank’s image with its clients.
Palabras claves: Internet, Banking, Corporate image, Electronic commerce
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