Measuring supermarket service quality: Proposal for a scale
2008. International Journal of Services and Standards. Vol. 4, N° 1, Pp. 81-96.
Jose Moneva , Eduardo Torres M, Luis Jara S
The success of the retail industry and especially that of supermarkets is largely determined by the services they offer. Even though service quality scales have been developed in different sectors, because of the unique characteristics of supermarkets, it seems convenient to create a specific scale for them. The results of this study indicate that supermarket service quality is a multidimensional construct (made up of reliability, personal attention, assurance, hygiene, tangibility and accessibility) that is different from the standard constructs previously proposed. These results provide an important tool which enables the assessment and management of supermarket service quality.
Palabras claves: Service quality; supermarkets; customer satisfaction; structural equations; standards; retail industry; services; eliability; personal attention; assurance; hygiene; tangibility; accessibility.
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